My name is Mercedes Balaguer and I am a Psychologist, graduated from the University of Buenos Aires.
Based on certain personal health issues, I began to investigate and convince myself that our habits, thoughts and emotions are what determine the state of our immune system and quality of life. For this reason, I delved fully into Psychoneuroimmunology.
Some of the formal training that I completed were those focused on the management of stress and anxiety from a Cognitive Behavioral perspective and a university postgraduate course in Stress Medicine and Psychoneuroimmunology at the Argentine Medical Association. Likewise, I also completed a postgraduate period at the Argentine Medical Association on metabolic aspects in nutritional transitions, which gave me great tools that I use today in consultation.
I consider that empathy and active listening without prior or moral judgments is essential when accompanying the patient to improve their quality of life and that is why I never leave aside such aspects when working.
We will choose the tools applied to the management of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors, sleep habits and mindfulness, according to what each individual patient needs.
I'll tell you a little more about myself... I am very happy and I have found in small habits such as meditation, exposure to the sun, grounding, connection with my loved ones and sports the great meaning of life.
My mission is that the people I accompany can find theirs and get rid of the symptoms that represent burdens of other people's backpacks to find their true desire, and thus... live lighter.
Postgraduate in Systemic Family Therapy (EVNTF) Basque Navarro School of Family Therapy.
Postgraduate in Drama Therapy (ISEP) Higher Institute of Psychological Studies of Barcelona
Specialization Course in Gestational Grief (COPC) Official College of Psychologists of Catalonia
Suicide prevention course (COPC)
Master General Health Psychology (UNIR) International University of La Rioja
Introduction to nutritional coaching CENAC School
Gastrointestinal pathology course Ismet School
Integrative obesity management course CENAC School
Gynecological pathology course Ismet School
Nutrition and applied dietetics course GAN nutrition and gastronomy SL
Acupuncture in the treatment of pain Ismet School (Fitoki)