PNIE (psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology) is the discipline that seeks the origin and process by which your body stops performing its functions correctly and finally becomes ill or symptoms appear. It is based on a joint treatment; That is, not treating the symptoms separately, but seeking to relate all the body systems: neurological, digestive, dermal, hormonal... 

In PNIE, different tools are used such as: changes in diet and lifestyle habits, emotional work, exercise, supplementation... Basically, what makes a health treatment based on PNIE different is its global and systemic approach.

It must be taken into account that only a very small percentage of diseases have a genetic basis, so proposing changes in lifestyle will have a crucial impact on the recovery of health. Having a healthy intestine, good nutrition, emotional management, stress control, good rest, moving... will be the keys to recovering, but above all, maintaining your long-term health.

PNIE is not an alternative therapy, but has scientific evidence. Furthermore, diagnoses are based on proven medical tests: blood tests, intestinal dysbiosis test, non-allergic histamine test... That is why it does not exclude allopathic or traditional medicine, but rather complements and communicates. PNI should not be based on changing drugs for supplements; We must look for the cause of these symptoms and see if there is room for improvement or cure . Many times, traditional medication will be necessary and well indicated, but in other cases we must persist in searching for the origin of the organic imbalance.

This discipline does not treat diseases, but people. That is, we will not treat hypothyroidism, but rather a person with hypothyroidism: with their specific symptoms, personal history, environment, habits, etc. The fact of understanding why the symptoms have been generated and being able to explain it to the patient allows them to be empowered, understand it and make the necessary changes to improve. For example, a patient may be diagnosed with SIBO (bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine) but we must look for the cause: perhaps hypochlorhydria (lack of stomach acidity)? And if so, why has this decrease in acid been generated? Due to stress, gastritis, helicobacter pylori, long-term use of proton pump inhibitor medications (omeoprazole type)? As you can see, each case will be unique and different. And that is what will be important and will mark the treatment to follow.

The PNI avoids a diagnosis that categorizes the person as “for life”, since that generates labeling the person with their illness and generates an invisible burden: “if I can't stop being sick, why am I going to make changes?” ”.  The PNIE focuses a lot on the symptoms to understand what is happening at all times. And even if there are tests, diagnoses, analyzes, tests... we must focus on the symptoms that exist at all times. Because the tests are, as they say, complementary. This must be understood by both the therapist and the patient, who is usually too focused on numbers and graphs and forgets to listen to himself.

It is important to keep in mind that health and illness is not something static, but like life itself, it is living and continuous. Therefore, after an improvement, we can relapse or have different symptoms appear. In these cases we will have to analyze what we have neglected (nutrition, emotions, sports, rest...) and start working on it.

Another important point to keep in mind is that PNI is only practiced by therapists who are health professionals: doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, osteopaths, nutritionists, psychologists... Despite having health training and having learned to relate the systems, this does not exclude should be referred when appropriate. The therapist must explore which area should be worked on and, if necessary, be referred to the appropriate specialist to perform tests or follow a specific treatment: digestologist, gynecologist, psychologist, trainer, etc. For example, a physiotherapist will know that to improve an injury, nutrition is essential. Or the nutritionist must refer to the digestologist when he suspects or detects altered parameters to rule out pathologies such as autoimmune gastritis, suspected polyps or stomach or intestinal ulcers, etc.

This last point must also be taken into account by the patient: the PNI therapist does not have all the answers, and for this, referral to the appropriate professionals will be the key factor. The therapist will know how to relate symptoms, but obviously, he is not trained in all areas of health, so it will be impossible to cover everything individually and will indicate to the patient which professional he should complete the treatment with.

In general, therapists with training in NIEP, due to the comprehensive vision of health, usually prioritize listening and empathy with the patient . It is something very simple but with great repercussions, since it has a comforting effect for that person who has gone through many specialists and feels misunderstood. This gesture often generates a reduction in the level of alertness, significantly reducing stress and cortisol levels, with all the benefits that this will have on the patient's state of health.

So if you feel like this is the vision you want to regain your health, get in touch with a PNI!


If you want an appointment with our integrative team you can write to info@mpunti.es or on our WhatsApp +34 722 530 271.

 Multidisciplinary team of nutrition-psychoneuroimmunology, psychology, physical training and endocrinology .

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