La relación entre el SOP y el intestino

The relationship between PCOS and the intestine

Elevated serum zonulin levels in PCOS women directly correlate with insulin resistance and severe anovulation.

Zonulin is a biomarker of intestinal permeability, as is Alpha-1 antitrypsin. Two tests can also be performed to evaluate the severity with the permeability tests with mannitol and lactulose.

Intestinal permeability caused by drug abuse, poor diet or microbiota imbalances can allow access to infectious agents and dietary antigens, inducing the production of inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines such as IL6 and TNF alpha are responsible for insulin resistance. Furthermore, these cytokines promote the activation of STAT3, further increasing permeability due to a continuous inflammatory state.

The elevation of this biomarker (specifically zonulin) is positively associated with an increase in fasting insulin, an increase in triglycerides, an increase in the HOMA-IR index, inflammatory markers such as TNF-α and the presence of LPS in the blood, markers of metabolic imbalances. , hormonal and low-grade inflammation.

Zhang D, Zhang L, Yue F, Zheng Y, Russell R. Serum zonulin is elevated in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and correlates with insulin resistance and severity of anovulation. Eur J Endocrinol. 2015 Jan;172(1):29-36. doi: 10.1530/EJE-14-0589. Epub 2014 Oct 21. PMID: 25336505.

We know that 70% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance, which can be caused by other factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, stress or inadequate diet. However, if a woman diagnosed with PCOS has undetected intolerances, allergies, celiac disease or Non-celiac sensitivity to gluten or problems with bloating, gas and intestinal constipation can cause anovulation and insulin resistance.

If you suffer from PCOS, irregular cycles, insulin resistance or menstrual pain as well as digestive problems, the solution is not in the pill but in taking care of your intestine.

If you have PCOS and need a qualified professional to regulate your cycles, improve your digestion and other symptoms derived from PCOS, request your appointment here .

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