Nutritionist-Dietitian and PNIE
“Do not give up on finding the way to achieve your physical and emotional balance”
My name is Carla, I am a nutritionist and psychoneuroimmunologist.
It all started during adolescence, where I began to be interested in food issues and entered this world.
First I did the higher technical degree in Dietetics and then I entered the University of Barcelona where I graduated in Human Nutrition and Dietetics in 2015.
When I finished university studies I felt the pressure to continue training, but at that time there was nothing that aroused my curiosity, until I discovered Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology (PNIE). The first time I tried to mention it I didn't understand it but when I searched about it, I saw that it was what I wanted to study, expand my knowledge and understand the why of many things. In 2019 I finished the PNIE Postgraduate at KenZen, while combining it with private practice. From there, I have taken several specialized courses in digestive and hormonal health and analysis interpretation, to seek answers to many questions.
My goal is to continue updating myself in integrative nutrition because one of my passions is to continue constantly learning and achieving patient improvement through nutrition.
2020 Courses “Complementary Tests in Functional Approach and PNIc”, “Gastroduodenal Functional Unit” and “Female hormonal dysfunctions” at Osana Salud Academy
2019 In-person course “Food allergies and intolerances” at Nutriscience Academy.
2017-2019 Postgraduate Degree in Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology (PNIE)
2016 ISAK Anthropometrist level 1
2011-2015 Graduated in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Barcelona
2018-2021. University of Barcelona: professor at the University of Experience in the course Food and gastronomy: Nutrition, physical activity and health.