Does being thin mean being healthy?

November 03, 2021

¿Estar delgado implica estar saludable?

“I eat junk food and everything I want and I don't gain weight, how lucky am I?”, does that sound true to you?
We tend to believe that a thin person is a healthy person, and on the contrary, those people who have a higher %, we assume at first that they do not take care of themselves and have a greater cardiovascular risk. Well, that's not entirely true.
It is clear that being overweight (+ 30% of the fat percentage) is an additional risk for suffering from metabolic syndrome and low-grade inflammation, however you can be thin and have the same or greater risk of suffering from it, this is what we call TOFI: thin outside, fat inside (thin outside, fat inside).
Without going any further, 3 out of every 10 thin people may be at risk of suffering from functional obesity with all the risks that this entails (stroke, diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, cardiovascular accidents, inflammation...). In these people we would see elevated levels of adiponectin, uric acid, tumor necrosis markers, IL-6, elevated triglycerides, low melatonin, high blood pressure...
This occurs because fatty tissue, although not in excess, is “poorly functioning” and the vast majority is visceral (found inside the organs: those “hard” and round bellies) producing adipokines, pro-inflammatory cytokines, which increase the risk of suffering from a host of diseases.
So, if you are thin, you should take care of yourself anyway, because probably if we judge the case of this infographic, for example, we would be following clichés, perhaps the person on the left is 10 times healthier than the person on the right because they have a good diet. , he does sports, but he has a non-visceral fat percentage of 30%, he has much more muscle mass than the thin one and he is perfectly healthy. We cannot know that with the naked eye.
Let's not be guided by clichés or first judgments 👌

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